In my travels, I have had occasion to bear witness to equipment purchase decisions that have not worked out optimally. In many cases this is made manifest by equipment that is either not used, under used or at worst engenders an elevated level of ergonomic risk requiring amelioration. Whatever cost savings may have been anticipated are quickly consumed by assessments, retro-fitting and in some cases compensation costs. While it is unrealistic to think it possible to plan for every possible need, there are in my opinion some core factors that should help to foster solid purchase decisions. In priority order these include;
- Utility – Does the product meet the requirements of the intended application? This of course requires that the intended application be defined. Within this definition, consideration should be given to the generalized characteristics of the end user and what they are being asked to do. From there a menu of features can be identified from which suitable products can be selected. - Integration – How do the existing tools of the office/workstation synch up? In other words will they create synergies or will they be at odds with one another. - Cost – Cost is an important consideration but only after the preceding considerations are taken into account. Purchase decisions solely based on cost usually lead to poor compliance (ie relatively low percentage of the end users actually used the equipment procured for them). As a result the cost of owning the equipment acquired increases.
One of the key considerations that will establish the roots for the above factors to flourish is the service extended to the client by the vendor. Product knowledge, ergonomic expertise and the ability/willingness to provide supported in field product evaluations are important ingredients in an effective client vendor relationship. Vitruvian Ergonomics strives to deliver this type of service to its clients in the interests of providing the right product, for the right application at the right cost. We look forward to working with you. Until next time …. be well.
Steven Watson, Vitruvian Ergonomics
We work with our clients to find the right product for the intended application.
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